Objetivos e Justificativas para a Seleção de Cada Indicador e Ranking
Coverage of clean water
Assesses the percentage of the municipality's population with access to drinking water supplies.
Secretariat of Environment
Assesses whether the existence of a department dedicated to the environment is associated with improvements in the municipality's environmental indicators. The presence of a department may indicate a greater institutional commitment to environmental management.
Suppression of Primary and Secondary Vegetation
It classifies municipalities according to the degree of primary and secondary vegetation suppression. Although it does not function as a direct indicator, this ranking helps to understand the impact of deforestation on environmental conditions.
Wastewater treatment plants
Assesses the percentage of the population with access to sewage treatment systems.
Budget for environmental management
Since there is no standard value established for the budget allocated to environmental management, this ranking classifies municipalities based on the percentages of budget allocated. The objective is to investigate whether greater investments in environmental management are associated with improvements in other environmental indicators.
Municipal Basic Sanitation Plan
Assesses the existence and implementation of a municipal basic sanitation plan. The presence of a formal plan may reflect a commitment to integrated waste and water management, positively influencing other environmental indicators.
City's recyclable system
It verifies the presence and formalization of a selective collection system for recyclable waste in the municipality. The analysis seeks to establish the relationship between the formalization of selective collection and the overall efficiency in waste management.
Water quality
Evaluate the results of the water quality tests conducted in the municipality. The goal is to monitor the safety and potability of the water supplied to the population.
Collection once a week
Classifies municipalities based on the frequency of solid waste collection. This indicator is used to assess whether the frequency of collection impacts the efficiency of waste management.
Green Areas
It classifies municipalities based on the quantity and accessibility of green areas. This indicator is used to assess the impact of the availability of green areas on environmental quality and the well-being of the population.
Evaluation Methodology
Data Collection
Desk Research, using reports and statistical data (IBGE, SNIS, Water Map, InfoSanbas, City Halls and MapBiomas).
Scoring and Ranking
Evaluation methodology
Data Collection: The data used to develop the ranking are from different indicators related to sustainability, such as water supply, sewage treatment, afforestation, among others, and were collected from different sources, such as SNIS, IBGE, MapBiomas, Mapa da Água, InfoSanbas and City Halls, using information from the most recent update.
Data Normalization: To make the data comparable, the quantitative percentage indicators were treated for a common scale from 0 to 1. The binary indicators were treated so that “Yes” was equivalent to 1 and “No” to 0.
Data not found: For data obtained from sources such as SNIS or the municipalities' own transparency websites and portals, in cases where values were not found, a value of 0 was kept for the indicators, as the sources are self-declared, meaning they are filled out based on the information provided by each municipality. The aim was to highlight the importance of transparency and the disclosure of publicly accessible information.
Weighting: Each indicator was weighted according to its relative importance in defining the sustainability of a city, with the Green Areas, Primary and Secondary Vegetation Removal, Existence of a Municipal Basic Sanitation Plan and Water Quality indexes having a greater weight compared to the remaining items due to the NGO's focus of action. While the water supply, sewage, formalized selective collection and present once a week indexes represent half the weight of the previous indicators, and the existence of an Environmental Secretariat and the amount per inhabitant allocated to environmental management in the municipality represent one third of the heavier indicators.
Index Calculation: After normalizing and weighting the indicators, a final index was calculated for each city, on a scale of 0 to 100.
Ranking: The cities were then ranked based on the final calculated index
Explanation of Indicators
Evaluation methodology
Water Supply: percentage of the total municipal population served with water supply, based on data from the National Sanitation Information System (SNIS) of the Ministry of Cities.
Sewage supply: percentage of the municipality's total population served by sewage supply, with data from the National Sanitation Information System (SNIS), from the Ministry of Cities.
Collection once a week: percentage of the total population of the municipality served with regular collection at least once a week, with data from the National Sanitation Information System (SNIS), from the Ministry of Cities.
Formalized selective collection: binary indicator, indicating whether, in the municipality, there is (1) or not (0) formalized selective collection by the city hall in the municipality, with data from the National Sanitation Information System (SNIS), from the Ministry of Cities.
Environment Secretariat: binary indicator, indicating whether, in the municipality, there is (1) or not (0) an Environment Secretariat within the structural body of the City Hall, with data from the websites of each municipality.
Budget for environmental management: ranking of cities, based on the survey of the budget allocated to environmental management actions by each municipality, with data from the websites and transparency portals of the City Halls, the amount allocated to each inhabitant was calculated, dividing the total budget for the actions by the total number of inhabitants. With this number, the data for the set was normalized, leaving the municipality with the largest allocation to environmental management actions with the value 1 and generating a ranking with all the others, with their position distributed based on the division by the maximum value.
Water Quality: a binary indicator, indicating whether, in the municipality, water analysis was within safety limits (1) or if substances with higher risks of causing chronic diseases were present (0), based on data from the Water Map by Repórter Brasil.
Green Areas: percentage of the municipality's area, in 2021, in hectares, covered by primary or secondary vegetation, with data from MapBiomas.
Primary and Secondary Vegetation Clearance: ranking of cities, based on the calculation of the percentage of the municipality's total area in hectares of which there was, between 2017 and 2021, primary or secondary vegetation clearing, with data from MapBiomas. After normalizing the percentage of primary and secondary vegetation clearing in relation to the total area of the municipality, the municipality with the largest deforested area was left with the value 1, generating a ranking with all the others, with their position distributed based on the division by the maximum value. The value obtained, from 0 to 1, was discounted by 1. Thus, the municipality within the data set that had the greatest clearing of its primary and secondary vegetation had this indicator equivalent to 0, while the others had values between 0 and 1.
Municipal Basic Sanitation Plan: binary indicator, indicating whether, in the municipality, there is (1) or not (0) a Municipal Basic Sanitation Plan, with data from the websites of each municipality, collected by the Infosanbas portal.
Evaluation methodology
• To consult territorial area, population and demographic density
access: https://cidades.ibge.gov.br/
IBGE Cities.
• To consult green areas, access:
https://plataforma.brasil.mapbiomas.org/cobertura?activeBaseMap=9&layersOpacity=100&activeModule=coverage&activeModuleContent=coverage%3Acoverage_main&activeYear=2022&mapPosition=-20.896734%2C-51.595920%2C10&timelineLimitsRange=1985%2C20 22&baseParams[territoryType]=4&baseParams[territories]=3427%3B3511003%20-%20Castilho%20%28SP%29%3B4%3BMunic%C3%ADpio%3B-21.1695527479999%3B-51. 7724764339999%3B-20.623419075%3B-51.419364327&baseParams[activeClassTreeOptionValue]=default&baseParams[activeClassTreeNodeIds]=1%2C7%2C8%2C9%2C10%2C11%2C2%2C12%2C13%2C 14%2C15%2C16%2C17%2C3% 2C18%2C19%2C28%2C30%2C31%2C32%2C33%2C34%2C29%2C35%2C36%2C37%2C38%2C20%2C21%2C4%2C22%2C23%2C24%2C25%2C5%2C26%2C27%2C6&baseParams[ activeSubmodule]=coverage_main&baseParams[yearRange]=1985-2022
Click on the coverage icon, +in territorial cutout select municipality, +in territory select the municipality to be searched, +select the boxes "Forestry" and "Non-Forest Forest Formation", +in temporal cutout select the year 2021).
Click on the deforestation icon, +in territorial filter, select municipality, +in territory, select the municipality to be researched, +select the boxes "Primary Vegetation Suppression" and "Secondary Vegetation Suppression," +in the time filter, select between 2017 and 2021.
• To find out about the presence of toxic substances in tap water, visit:
Enter the municipality to be searched, +click on the location icon).
• To consult information on water, sewage and solid waste, access:
In the vertical side menu, click on "Municipalities," then click on "Consolidated Municipal Information and Indicators." In the General Data filter, +municipalities with water, sewage, and solid waste information, +reference year 2022, +select the region and click "Search." In "Information and Indicators Families," click on "Select All" and, under "Information and Indicators," select the boxes corresponding to the following codes: AG001, ES001, CO164, CS001.
• To consult the annexes relating to municipal sanitation plans, access:
Enter the name of the municipality in the search bar.
• To download the spreadsheet containing all the data used to calculate the indexes, go to: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12U5bnXb8GgwhIqJgt1xvnm4mZYa1EUlEx2yJTTTlCyM/edit?usp=sharing