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In the hands of the Cities

Law No. 12,305/2010

National Waste Policy: Development of the Municipal Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan, with a deadline of August 2, 2024.
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Law No. 14,026/2020

It stipulates that municipalities are obliged to formulate the municipal sanitation policy and prepare the Municipal Basic Sanitation Plan (PMSB).

Law No. 14,285/2021

Municipalities have a two-year deadline, from the date the law is published, to develop the socio-environmental diagnosis and regulate the Permanent Preservation Areas (APPs) in consolidated urban areas.
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Captura de Tela 2024-08-20 às 17.46.38.png
* Press data indicates that most municipalities are unable to meet the deadlines established by the Government.

Summary of Laws and their Impacts on Municipalities

Brazilian municipalities have significant responsibilities in complying with various environmental and urban laws, which aim to ensure the sustainability and well-being of local communities. Below, we summarize some of the main laws that directly impact municipal management and their respective impacts.


Law 14.285/2021

This law requires municipalities to regulate Permanent Preservation Areas (APPs) in consolidated urban areas, giving them a period of two years, from the date of its publication, to prepare the necessary socio-environmental diagnosis.

Impact on Cities
Municipalities need to conduct a detailed diagnosis of urban areas and regulate APPs, which requires planning and resources to ensure environmental protection in urbanized areas. This action is crucial to prevent irregular occupation and protect sensitive areas within the urban perimeter.

Confira agora o Diagnóstico Socioambiental do seu Município:

Law No. 12,305/2010

Summary: This law establishes the National Solid Waste Policy, requiring municipalities to develop a Municipal Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan (PMGIRS). Municipalities with fewer than 50,000 inhabitants have until August 2, 2024 to comply with this requirement.

Impact on Municipalities : Implementation of this law requires municipalities to develop detailed plans for solid waste management, promoting sustainability and reducing environmental impacts associated with improper waste disposal. Compliance with this legislation is essential to improve the collection, treatment and disposal of solid waste, avoiding public health problems and environmental degradation.

Verifique o Plano de Gestão de Resíduos Sólidos do seu Município:

Law No. 14,026/2020

Abstract: Known as the New Legal Framework for Basic Sanitation, this law requires municipalities to formulate a municipal sanitation policy and prepare the Municipal Basic Sanitation Plan (PMSB).

Impact on Municipalities: Municipalities are required to structure and implement sanitation policies that ensure universal access to water and sewage services. This means investing in infrastructure and improvements to sanitation systems, which is vital for public health and the sustainable development of local communities.

Check your Municipality's Basic Sanitation Plan:

Bill 380/2023

Summary: This bill, which amends the City Statute (Law 10,257, of 2001), prioritizes the adaptation of vulnerable areas and requires climate risk studies to be carried out.

Impact on Municipalities: The proposal, by focusing on vulnerable areas, requires municipalities to integrate climate adaptation into their urban planning. This means that municipalities will have to identify risk areas and implement measures to mitigate the impacts of climate change, ensuring the safety of populations most exposed to natural disasters.

Check out the Climate Forecasts for your Municipality in 2050:

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